Pregnancy Support and Birth Preparation


Pregnancy sessions are all about focusing on connecting to your body, your pelvis and preparing your body for birth.

Pregnancy sessions include Craniosacral therapy, deep tissue massage, pelvic bone alignment, uterine alignment, scar tissue work, fascial manoeuvres, and internal pelvic release work.

Craniosacral therapy is such a wonderful way to relax through pregnancy and connect with your body. It is also a way for the body to let go of any stress, fear or trauma from the body as the body rests in a regulated place and the tissues can let go.

Pelvic bone alignment works to balance the pubic bone, sacrum, coccyx, and sit bones to relieve any pain and tension. When the bones are aligned the muscles are no longer on stretch and they can work optimally, which is very beneficial through pregnancy and birth.

We will also check the uterine alignment, as well as the ligaments and fascia surrounding the uterus, bladder, abdomen and pelvis as this will support baby to get into an optimal position through pregnancy and prepare for birth. This will support the body if there is compression on the bladder, or ribs for example as baby can feel more aligned in the uterus.

Scar tissue work is also very important in the pregnancy as scars can hold tension and pull on neighbouring structures which can cause pain through pregnancy, restrict baby’s movements and interrupt the flow of birth.

Deep tissue massage using herbal-infused oil brings warmth and relaxation to a woman’s entire being. Massage assists blood circulation, lymph flow, detoxification, muscular tension release, emotional release and connecting with the body.

Internal pelvic release work is a beautiful way to connect with your anatomy, release any stored emotional or physical tension, heal from previous births, improve pelvic muscle function, reduce pelvic pain and improve blood and lymphatic circulation. When a woman really knows her pelvic anatomy, and feels deeply embodied in her vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus and abdomen, this is absolute gold through her pregnancy and birth, and all through her postpartum. As she feels more embodied she is more connected to her truth, to her boundaries, to her power.

These sessions are very soothing and gentle and such a great experience on your journey through pregnancy, birth and beyond.

120 min session
